School of Divine Kingdom

SCHOOL OF Divine Kingdom

The Holy Bible reveals quite a good deal of information about the Divine Kingdom of God. In Mat. 6:33, Jesus said: “Seek ye first the Divine Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” In many places in the Gospel, Jesus used parables to make His disciples understand the truth about the Divine Kingdom of God. Jesus makes it clear that a disciple must mature in the knowledge of the Kingdom and bring forth “new treasures as well as old” as the owner of the house. The psalmist David proclaims, “The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all” (Psalm 103:19).

This simply means God is Sovereign over all His creation; He is the Monarch of creation, sustenance and culmination according to the supreme power in the O3 Word.

Course Structure

Certificate of Divine Business – 2 Years Course
Diploma of Divine Business – 2 Years Course