About Us


“The Divine vision was born in the year of 2009 to teach the word of TRUTH in six states of India to plant many churches among gentiles. By Gods grace, till today more than 5000 people have been benefited through Divine Truth Research Centre and they have planted many churches in different places of north India and they have been educated very highly through the research of the Word of God.”
The founding denominations of the institute granted to it an Baptist perspective along with a strong missionary zeal and a keen emphasis on the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual. ECU maintains an organic connection with the Episcopalian Church Diocese of India Council and also partners with a number of denominations including Be in Trinity living light fellowship, Christian and Missionary.
The majority of the Board of Governors come from the Episcopalian Church Diocese of India Council with the balance of members drawn from our denominational partners. Governors serve for a maximum of three, three-year terms and bring a variety of professional expertise and experience to the board table. ECU adopted the statement of faith of the Episcopalian Church Diocese of India Council so that the broader Christian community has access to the teaching and heritage of the Institute. The breadth of enrollment at the school attests to its openness to accommodate those from other traditions, and up to 40 denominations are represented in our student body.

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”


Church Pastors